단해 로고



We will be the leader of future value creation with accumulated technology and creativity

Around opening of Tanhay Changdo CLUSTER
The purpose, direction, and five principles

Let’s be new Let’s be new
"the beginning of new"

Human resource development

  • A.Find out what your part is to help others with the thought, “I have to increase the productivity of others rather than myself.”
  • B.Participate in and grow an organization with the belief that “no one can do this work except me.”
  • C.To deal with slow growth or decline, learn the laws and principles of nature to take off your clothes and face the cold when fall comes.

Finance and resources

  • A. In addition to financial or material resources, improving and securing new human resources is as powerful as financial resources.
  • B. Build your strength to endure by saving and saving internally and sharing externally.

Productive Energy Saving

  • A.Productivity cost per individual comes from technological advancement, but human empathy toward the organization can be an absolute condition.
  • B.Find, grow, and cooperate with individuals or organizations that are smaller and better than you. (via clusterization)

Go beyond the hills of IT (Information Technology) and ride the wave of the Cyber (artificial brain, imagination) society.

The future belongs to those who manage their time well.

  • A.Cultivating human resources who understand and love the natural environment and know how to obey its principles is the shortcut to becoming scientific.
  • B.Insufficient thinking or lack of understanding of the other person is like a mouse in a mouse trap.
  • C.Before avoiding a trap, do not participate in digging a trap yourself. The trap for the future may have already been dug by me.