단해 로고


Central Coolant Filtration System

We will be the leader of future value creation with accumulated technology and creativity



Leader in the new precision filtration area
Dirty liquid from M/C penetrates belt filter in vacuum tank for filtration. Sludge from conveyor is released outside and belt filter operates consecutively with automatic cleaning.

It does not need to replace the Belt Filter and automatic dirty liquid filtration, sludge dehydration and release are made, which is an optimized new filtration system


Economic feasibility
No filter pump required to save running cost
Maximize dehydration effect that minimize dry sludge release and liquid loss
Semi-permanent without belt filter replacement by automatic cleaning function
mproved function and efficiency
Various belt filter and subsidiary material used by the level of filtration which enables to prevent minute chip sedimentation and to enable customized precise filtration
Excellent maintenance
Easy maintenance by full automation from dirty liquid filtration, sludge dehydration and release
Minimized space for installation
Very compact and optimal size with maximized efficient size of belt filter


Filtration of cutting, grinding and cleaning oil of machines
Industrial waste water
Waste water treatment on industrial machine, press and iron industry

Filtration process

1Supply (Pumping)
Supply clean liquid from belt filter to absorb supply pump for processing M/C
2Filtration (Belt Filter)
Precision filtration available by forming sedimentary layer on the belt filter surface of dirty liquid
3Dehydration (Conveyor)
Dehydration carried out by repetitive operation in a regular distance by conveyor in vacuum pressure detector and circulation cycle
4Release (Washing)
Clean the belt filter surface by releasing sludge
Staff in charge : Lee Ho Kwon manager Contact : 032-675-5555 Email : leehokwon@tanhay.com